Miles Teller
Reed Richards / Mr. FantasticKate Mara
Sue Storm / The Invisible WomanJamie Bell
Ben Grimm / The ThingMichael B. Jordan
Johnny Storm / The Human TorchToby Kebbell
Victor DomashevReg E. Cathey
Dr. Franklin StormTim Blake Nelson
Harvey ElderJosh Trank
Simon Kinberg
Josh Trank
T.S. Nowlin
Miles Teller
Reed Richards / Mr. FantasticKate Mara
Sue Storm / The Invisible WomanJamie Bell
Ben Grimm / The ThingMichael B. Jordan
Johnny Storm / The Human TorchToby Kebbell
Victor DomashevReg E. Cathey
Dr. Franklin StormTim Blake Nelson
Harvey ElderSimon Kinberg
Stan Lee
Gregory Goodman
Matthew Vaughn
Hutch Parker
Matthew Jensen
Elliot Greenberg